Monday, May 7, 2012

Jokes for Kids

Telling jokes is good for kids! It increases their confidence, helps them to remember a story in order and relate it to others, and stimulates their thinking! Who would have thought something that all kids enjoy could be so useful! Animal jokes, holiday jokes, internet jokes, scary jokes, school jokes, silly jokes, sports jokes, and much more.

How did the telephones get married ?
In a double ring ceremony !

Why did the child study in the aeroplane ?
He wanted a higher education !

Why was the broom late ?
It over swept !

Do you know the time ?
No, we haven't met yet !

What kind of hair do oceans have ?
Wavy !

What runs but never walks ?
Water !

How do you make milk shake ?
Give it a good scare !

Whats red and flies and wobbles at the same time ?
A jelly copter !

Waiter, this soup tastes funny ?
Then why aren't you laughing !

Why did the clock get sick ?
It was run down !

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